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The Prisoner's Throne

Review : The Prisoner’s Throne (Elfhame, #2) by Holly Black, is it as disappointing as finding out that Taryn is still alive ?

*In a foreboding voice* To grasp the full impact of what lies ahead, you must delve into my review of The Stolen Heir—lest you stumble upon revelations better left unearthed. (soo impressed with myself for coming up with that). I am not going to beat around the bush here, ‘The Prisoner’s Throne’ was disappointing. Tooo disappointing.

The Prisoner's Throne

It all started to go downhill when I realized that the book had ONLY Oak’s pov, I know that in my review of ‘The Stolen Heir’ I said I would like to read a few chapters from Oak’s pov but, I DEFINITELY did not want the whole darn thing to be from his point of view!! He is just sooo whine-y, confusing and immature (it’s almost insulting that he is Jude’s brother). Dude feels jealous even when he’s strapped to a torture table, about to be tortured by a guy he’s jealous off (*facepalms*).

‘It’s easy to make someone look foolish if you’re willing to play the fool’ – Oak

I probably would have liked this book more if I was 14-15 years old, but as of now I’m just relieved to have finished it so that I never have to pick it up again (pheww).

The book did NOT have a plot, atleast the first book had that going for it. The only bright spots in this book for me were those scenes where I got to see Jude and Cardan (yayyyy!).

“Speaking of which, I would like to speak with Oak for a moment,” Cardan says. “Alone.”

Jude looks surprised but then shrugs. “I’ll be outside, yelling at people.”

“Try not to enjoy it too greatly,” says Cardan as she goes out.

The prisoner's throne

The only character I kinda liked was Tiernan and that was because he came up so very less throughout the book (that’s one of my most pathetic reasons for liking a character by the way; desperate times desperate measures I guess). I missed Wren. I know it probably doesn’t make sense considering she’s the protagonist, but what I meant was I missed her thought, her sarcasm, her snark and everything else that had made the first book likeable to me.

Bottom line, you wanna get bored, go ahead read the book.

Thank you!

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